Transverse Soft Tissue Release (online)
This is the online Transverse Soft Tissue Release Course
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1. Introduction to TSTR
2. Longitudinal vs Transverse
3. Cautions and Contraindications
4. Principles of Application
5. Tools of Choice
6. Troubleshooting Top Tips
7. Advantages and Disadvantages
8. Discomfort and Pain
1. Hamstrings - Straight Leg
2. Hamstrings - Bent Leg
3. Vastus Lateralis and ITB
4. Pelvis (opposite side)
5. Gluteal Using Supported Hands
6. Gluteal Muscles Using Elbow
7. Quadratus Lumborum
8. Lateral Thoracic Area
9. Erectae Spinae
10. Mid Thoracic Using Passive Thumb
11. Upper Trapezius Cross Plinth
12. Deltoids
13. Sacrum and Lower Back
14. Lateral Edge of Scapula
15. Neck
16. Upper Shoulders (Medial Border of Scapula)
1. Pelvis - Forearm and Elbow
2. Pelvis - Heel of Hand
3. Anterior Pelvis
4. Quadratus Lumborum
5. Serratus
6. Accessing Lateral Edge of Scapula
7. Controlling the Arm
8. Shoulder Girdle (Part 1)
9. Shoulder Girdle (Part 2)
10. Neck Top Tips
11. Thigh
12. Calves
13. Hamstrings
14. Adductors
15. Deep Hip Technique and Resistance
16. Sacroiliac Joint
17. Back
18. Sacrum with Resistance
19. Calves Resistance
1. Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
2. Neck and Shoulder
3. Knee (Part 1)
4. Knee (Part 2)
5. SCM Muscle
6. Occipitals
7. Chest Using Breath to Lock
8. Neck Handling & Upper Trapezius
9. Anterior Deltoids, Biceps & Pectorals
10. Forearms
11. Pectorals + Resistance
12. Pectorals (Opposite Side)
13. Jaw (External)
14. Quads & ITB
15. Tibialis Anterior
16. 3 Techniques for the Jaw
17. Mobilising the Sternoclavicular Joint
18. Lateral Rib Expansion
1. Shoulders
2. Forearm Posterior on Upper Shoulders
3. Quads and Adductors
4. Resisted Rhomboid
1. Achilles Tendon
2. Adductors
1. Breathing Pattern Assessment
2. Rib Expansion
3. Breathing Pattern Rehab (Part 1)
4. Breathing Pattern Rehab (Part 2)
1. Intro Demonstration to TSTR
2. Principles of TSTR Application
3. Choice of Applicator
4. Simplifying Your Techniques
5. Moving Your Client
6. Lifting the Scapula
Watch: Active Resisted STR for Glutes
Fascia Research
STR Checklist
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 3
TSTR Final Quiz
Practical Workshop
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